
2011: Edward the jealous (Féltékeny Edward): A funny and entertaining short feature introducing the life and work of Franz Liszt, inspired by Roald Dahl's novel, Edward the conqueror

cast: Ibolya Dzsupin, Miklós Szurdi, Lajos the tom-cat

written and directed by Marcell Pátkai, cameraman: Péter Kotschy, producer: Marcell Pátkai


2011. Lossonczy Tamás – DVD: Three films by Pater Sparrow

1) artList (Műsor) 2) The Hungarian painter's tribute to the people of Rome (Magyar festő hódolata Róma népének) (3) A diary of 105 years (105 év naplója)

director: Pater Sparrow, producer: Marcell Pátkai

2011. A diary of 105 years (105 év naplója) – Documentary: Extracts from the audio diaries of Tamás Lossonczy

director: Pater Sparrow, cameraman: Károly Spáh, Máté Tóth Widamon and Pater Sparrow, producer: Marcell Pátkai


2010. The audio diaries of Tamás Lossonczy (Lossonczy Tamás Hangnaplója) – Audio files: 70 hours digital records of the Kossuth prize winner painter's audio diaries

audio engineer:  Csaba Kalotás, producer: Marcell Pátkai


2009. artList (Műsor) – Documentary with the 105 year old Tamás Lossonczy

director: Pater Sparrow, cameraman: Károly Spáh , producer: Marcell Pátkai, Szilvia Pátkai

"Ha sok cseresznyepaprikát madzagra fűzünk, abból lesz a paprikakoszorú.
Ha viszont nem fűzzük fel őket, nem lesz belőlük koszorú.
Pedig a paprika ugyanannyi, éppoly piros, éppoly erős. De mégse koszorú.
Csak a madzag tenné? Nem a madzag teszi. Az a madzag, mint tudjuk, mellékes, harmadrangú valami.
Hát akkor mi?
Aki ezen elgondolkozik, s ügyel rá, hogy gondolatai ne kalandozzanak összevissza, hanem helyes irányban haladjanak, nagy igazságoknak jöhet a nyomára."

Örkény István: Az élet értelme


"If we tie a lot of cherry-peppers on a string, they'll make a pepper-wreath.

However, if we don't tie them on a string, they won't make a wreath. Although it's the same amount of peppers, just as red and just as hot. But still no wreath.

Does it only lie in the string? No, it doesn't. That string, as we all know, is an incidental, third-rate thing.

Then what?

People capable of brooding over it and taking care not to let their mind wander about, but keep them on the right track may get a scent of eternal verities."

Örkény István: The Meaning Of Life (Translation: N.Ullrich Katalin)